being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. it means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

First Attempt

Assalamualaikum and hello hello pembaca blog sekalian. Ouch! Rasa lama tak update blog. Few days juga la kan? Well. Agak penat and setiap malam busy "on the phone" dengan Mr. Boyfriend. Rindu la katakan seminggu lebih tak jumpa. Hahaha. Okay. Whatever.

So. As usual la kalau I balik rumah time cuti dapur tu mesti gedegang gedegung. Ada la benda yang I akan buat. Untuk hilangkan bosan dan untuk menajamkan lagi skill I dalam bidang yang I ceburi ni. Lagipun dekat rumah satu family ni support apa yang I buat. Lagilah berkobar kobar nak cuba benda baru kan? Jadi. Beberapa hari yang lepas I decided to make durian crepe. Durian crepe ni degembar gemburkan sekarang ni. Boleh dikatakan trending juga la. I pun nak juga tau perasaan membuat durian crepe ni. Well basically takde la susah mana nak buat. Simple je. And my first attempt in making durian crepe was a success. Yay!

Atas permintaan an old friend of mine Nadz Jamil atau lebih dikenali sebagai "konco" di SMK Lok Yuk... *hahaha* So I akan post la recipe and cara membuat si durian crepe ni. I pun ambik kat internet je sebenarnye.

250 gm tepung gandum
3 biji telur
500 ml santan
1/2 sudu teh garam
1 sudu teh pandan emulco
1 sudu teh pewarna hijau

Satukan semua bahan di atas di dalam bekas
Kacau rata
Masukkan dalam blender dan kisar
Kemudian tapis

Sediakan kuali leper untuk membuat crepe yang tidak melekat
Panaskan hingga kuali benar-benar panas
Oleskan sedikit minyak pada kuali
Kemudian kecilkan api
Tuangkan satu senduk kecil ke dalam kuali dan masaklah adunan tadi hingga menjadi crepe
Adunan tak perlu di balikkan
Bila permukaan atasnya dah kering terus angkat
Buat sehingga habis
Biarkan sejuk.

Durian Filling
1 cawan Non dairy Whipping Cream
Isi durian secukupnya

Pukul Whipping Cream dalam mixer hingga kental
Pisahkan isi durian dari bijinya. Lumatkan sedikit
Bentangkan 1 keping crepe
Letakkan Whipping Cream di tengahnya
Letakkan isi durian
Tutupkan semula dengan Whipping Cream
Lipatlah crepe
Kemudian simpan dalam peti ais sebentar
Enak di hidangkan dingin.

So inilah hasil yang I dapat...

Selamat mencuba!

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Sunday, 10 February 2013

Random Feelings?

Assalamualaikum and hello korang! I know I know. Lama I menghilang kan? Okay. It was a very super long story so I malas nak cerita semua benda remeh yang I rasa tak penting untuk I selitkan dalam blog I. But benda penting yang I nak share is I'm HOME! Yes. Home as in HOME in Kota Kinabalu okay?! Reasons why I'm back was because I have an interview for my internship next semester and what else do you think? Of course la HOLIDAY! Chinese New Year break. Best feeling ever bila dapat balik rumah sendiri time holiday. Oh My Gucci!

Okay. Whatever it is. I have a huge story I wanna share. Well. Not exactly huge and for sure it is not that important. Not for you. Right?

Have you guys ever fell in love with two different person at the very same time? I know it sounds greedy but it really happen. There comes a time where your heart is at two places and your soul just don't have an idea where should it go. Some people just don't get the idea of loving two person at the same time because they just don't belong to the situation. And that kind of people who will always judge. I just don't understand why they have to judge.

Being stuck and not having the idea of what you should do is sucks. Really. It kills you and sometimes you just feel like jumping off the cliff and die. Screaming out loud seems to sound better I guess? Whatever it is. The problem is still there. Whether you jump or scream, you still have to face the truth. You can't run away from your problems. So face it. That's what I have done and it was a HUGE relieved. Believe me.

Honesty brings me to happiness. I told them the truth. Guts suddenly become my best friend. Yes. I have made the right decision. I am now happy with someone that never doubt with his love for me. He live his life for me. Though he had been through so many things when he's with me but he never gave up. I'm just so lucky to have someone who love and care for me that much. Be jelly. I love you sayang. It's been 4 months and 10 days. Looking forward for years now.

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