being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. it means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

The Untold Story ❤

She woke up that morning with a sweet smile on her face letting the world know that she's happy...

That night she was busy surfing the net without noticing that it's already 1.30 am in the morning. Her eyes just didn't let her sleep that night. Without compromising she clicked the shut down button and off to bed.

She was about to closed her eyes then suddenly her phone rang. "1 message received". Just a simple goodnight wish from him with a little note *kiss on your forehead*. Without thinking she replied and also with a little note *hugs*. He replied with one word "huggles". She let it sank and continue her attempt to sleep.

16 minutes later another one word text message received. "Bebeh..." and the conversation started.

He's missing her so bad and she feels the same too.

In their conversation he kept on telling her how much he wanna hug and kiss her, how much he wanna keep her warm. He wished that he were there sleeping next to her. He told her...

Boy : You're my precious 
Girl : And you're mine 

She told him that she's afraid that he might forget her later.

Boy : I won't.
Girl : How can you be so sure?
Boy : Because I won't. Will you?
Girl : Of course I won't. You're the best thing ever happened to me :)

The conversation stopped when both of them fell asleep.

Good things come when you least expect them. If you love someone, love hard.


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